Meta Tags - Is Google Meta Tags impact on SEO?


Meta Tags is one of the main key elements in SEO. It is must and should learn every SEO practitioner's to improve the SEO results. These Meta tags play the biggest role in your SEO sites. Meta tags are part of the HTML tags that describe the content of your page. These meta tags visible only in page code and users can view via source code (CTRL+U).

Meta tags are placed inside the head section of the HTML code and these tags provide the information about the content of the page. It tells the title of the page, what the page is about? who created the page? when it is updated? keywords used to represent the page etc.

The meta data information helps search engines to index the website when the page is similar to the user search query.

These meta data cannot display to users when they are viewing your page only search engines can read the meta data. Three types of meta tags
     1. Meta Title
     2. Meta Description
     3. Meta Keywords


A title tag is the second most important on-page optimization factor in SEO after the content. The meta title is a part of meta tags and this title tag is placed inside the head section of the HTML code. It is displayed on the title bar of the browser. Why page title tags are important? means users and search engines can easily understand what the page is related to by seeing the page title.

The writing title tag is a low effort and high impact on SEO websites. Start your Title tag with your Keyword. Adding Modifiers like "2019", "Best", "Fast", "Guide", "Checklist", "Review" helps to rank long tail versions of your target keyword.

Important instructions to optimize the title tag:
Length – The maximum length of the title is 60 characters and Google displays only 50-60 characters of the title tag. If your title is too long the search engines may cut it by adding an ellipsis (“…”) and could end up omitting important keywords. The exact limit (60 characters) is a little bit more complicated and it is based on 600-pixel container.

Keyword placement – Place the most priority keywords first and then keep the less important keywords at the end. (Simply place the keywords as priority wise)

Keyword separation – Separate the keywords by using vertical lines (|) or pipes instead of using commas, underscore and dashes etc.

Don’t repeat title tags – Place the different titles for different pages. Don’t repeat the common title on multiple pages. By using common titles, it’s a bad experience of the user and you get trouble with search engines. By using a unique title that search engines can understand that your content is unique and valuable and drive more click rates. Avoid to use “Home” or “New page” these titles may cause Google to think that you are using duplicate content and reduce the click rates.

Simple – Your targeted title should be simple and short and avoid if, then, and, but etc.

Website or company name – If your company or website name is most popular you can use that name as a title or part of important keywords otherwise no need to mention the company or website name in the title tag.

Meta title tag Syntax:


<title> Web Page Title Example </title>

Welcome to Ranking Boys

Meta Title tags are used in three places

     1. Search Engine Results Page
     2. Web Browsers
     3. Social Networks


A meta description is also called as snippets. A meta description is a short paragraph which is placed on the head section of the HTML code. It’s like an advertising copy that briefly describes the content of the page. It appears under the URL in the search engine results page. Searchers can easily understand what’s inside the page? by reading the description.

It’s an important part of marketing. The content should be relevant and strong description draws users to your website and more click rates for that page.

Optimize the meta description:
Keyword – Write the content by adding most important keywords in meta description.

Readability – It should be simple, relevant and read like a human written sentence. Try to avoid keyword stuffing.

Compelling – It should be strong as possible and clearly describe the content of the page.

Length – Keep the length up to 135 to 160 characters long and place the important keywords first or second line of the description. If the length is against the rules, the search engine will avoid it.

Don’t repeat – Maintain to write the different description for different pages, Search engines may penalize if your repeat the common description for all pages.

Meta description syntax


<meta name="description" content="write brief description about your service">

Welcome to my page


It’s a list of important keywords or phrases of your website. It is placed in the head section of the HTML code. Meta keywords are not visible to users like title and description. Meta Keywords tells search engines which keywords are optimized for.

To write meta keywords understand your page completely and make a list of important keywords and then shortlist the top ten to fifteen keywords which are related content of your page.

Instructions to optimize meta keywords:
1. Use a maximum of ten to fifteen important keywords for a single page.
2. Use a comma to separate the keywords and don’t leave space between them.
3. Don’t repeat the keywords
4. Place the most important keywords at the beginning of your meta keyword list.
5. Meta keywords should be specific and relevant to the page.

Meta keyword Syntax:

<metA name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">
Welcome to my web page</body>

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